

Lead Brand Designer

Brief Ask

Develop a brand that helps people have more meaningful conversations and discover why they are the way they are.

Criteria for Success

Have both digital and physical touch-points of the brand that elevate connection. Create a playable game through which people can learn more about one another. 

Consumer Insight

There are two types of relationships people build upon, new relationships where they must break the ice, and existing relationships where they need guidance on how to get to know one another more deeply.


Construct a collective that focuses on designing experiences and products that encourage empathy and rapport in a comfortable, safe way.

Velkro Games

Velkro consists of two levels of games designed for the closeness of the groups playing. New Velkro is for discovering and cultivating developing relationships, and Hard Velkro specializes in deepening existing friendships.

Each game is customized to help generate exciting conversations in any social situation. The tailored discussions that arise from the games help people better understand which experiences have led them to be who they are today.


New Velkro

New job. New school. New city. ‍

Change is hard, especially if you don’t know too many people in a new environment. New Velkro helps eliminate the awkwardness of finding discussion topics when you’re meeting new friends. Get to know one another through understanding your priorities and values through fun and easygoing activities.


Hard Velkro

Your team. Your friend group. Your crew. ‍

Maybe you spend all your time together, but you still feel like your friendships remain surface level. Hard Velkro aids in creating a safe environment in which you can open up to good friends. Understand one another more deeply by rolling the dice and sharing your story.


Velkro Website

The Velkro website houses a shop to purchase both games and depicts the games’ development process and the Velkro brand’s story.


Marketing Materials

To spread the word about Velkro, we handmade four types of zines, created keychains people could attach to bags, and made an Instagram page along with our website. We held events in Pittsburgh and New York City to test our games and introduce people to the Velkro brand.